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07887 832222


The Importance Of Connection This Christmas

Cherished moments are your greatest assets ...


Posted by Sam Bradford on 21/12/2023 @ 8:00AM

We're only a few days away from Christmas, and our focus often shifts to finding the perfect gifts for our loved ones. Many of us get caught up in the hustle and bustle of shopping, decorating, and planning parties ...

It is important to remember the true essence of Christmas which is the spirit of connection and being with our loved ones!

It is important to remember the true essence of Christmas which is the spirit of connection and being with our loved ones!

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As a Lifestyle Financial Planner, I have seen firsthand the impact of prioritising connections and relationships in our financial planning. Yet we often neglect the importance of simply spending quality time with our loved ones. We get so caught up in our careers and financial goals that we forget to cherish the moments we have with our family and friends.

"But what does connection have to do with our financial well-being?"

The answer is ... a lot. Building wealth is not just about accumulating a large bank balance, but also about creating a life that is fulfilling and meaningful. And what better way to do that than by cherishing moments with our loved ones?

In our society, there is often a misconception that the size of the price tag on a gift reflects the love and thought behind it. But the truth is, the spirit of Christmas is not about material possessions. It is about the love, joy, and memories we share with our family and friends. Let us remember that the thought and effort put into a gift is what truly matters, not the price.

I always encourage my clients to prioritise their relationships and make time for their loved ones. This not only helps improve their overall well-being, but also has a positive impact on their financial planning. When we have strong, supportive relationships, we are more motivated to work towards our financial goals. We have a sense of purpose and drive that goes beyond just accumulating wealth.

Moreover, cherishing moments with our loved ones can also help us save money. Instead of spending large amounts of money on extravagant gifts, why not create meaningful experiences together? This could be anything from a family game night to a day trip to a nearby town.

"These experiences create lasting memories and can help us save money in the long run!"

As we reflect on the importance of connection this Christmas, let us also remember the role of financial planning. My job is not just to help my clients build their wealth, but also to guide them towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life. I believe that true wealth is not just measured by financial stability, but also by the quality of our relationships and experiences.

This Christmas, I encourage you to build your wealth not just for financial stability, but also for the ability to create more meaningful moments with those who matter most.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with love, joy, and cherished memories.

Until next time ...



Would you like to know more?

If anything I've written in this blog post resonates with you and you'd like to discover more about lifestyle financial planning, it may be a great idea to give me a call on 07887 832222 and let's see how I can help.

For regulated financial advice, please visit or for private financial planning with me personally, visit

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#ChristmasConnection #HolidaySpirit #LifestyleFinancialPlanner #MeaningfulMemories #FinancialWellBeing

About Sam Bradford ...


I have been advising private individuals and businesses as a Financial Planner for over 20 years. I am a Chartered Financial Planner and Fellow of the Personal Finance Society and a Certified Money Coach.

As a Chartered Financial Planner, I hold the highest level of qualification available in the Financial planning profession as well as gaining a masters in Finance in 2021. I set up my own financial planning practice in 2020 to follow my passion of bringing straight forward, honest and easy to understand financial advice to those who need it.

I live in a 400 year old cottage with my husband, 2 dogs (Maia and Greg), 6 chickens and 3 beehives!

I love being outside and in nature and feel right at home digging in the veggie patch or going on road trips to the amazing UK countryside in our trusty camper van! I love being part of our local community and have volunteered as a scout leader for over 15 years as well as being the current President of the Rotary Club of Milton Keynes.

For fun, I also love all things creative from playing my accordion and guitar to painting and knitting! My most recent hobby has been to learn how to ring church bells at our local church (but this is still very much a work in progress!)


07887 832222
